One of the most powerful rhythms in our journey towards wholeness comes after the awareness that we have been stuck.
When we are able to acknowledge and accept that we have been stuck in the mind and body an energy shift occurs.
We take this awareness very personally and it is often accompanied by an anger and the recognition that “I won’t take this anymore”, “I cannot continue to give my power away!”
It is pertinent to note that this stage of consciousness is full of potential pitfalls where one can drop back into the lower levels of healing. The most common trap is to direct the anger we are experiencing onto the external agent. This could be the partner, therapist, procedure or prescription that we unwillingly gave our power to.
If we can avoid doing this we can reclaim our internal strength and power. As this transition occurs we move away from the anger of being dis-empowered and into a more authoritative communication with ourselves.
We have to be patient as it is not yet time to make new choices, instead we are “growling” and building chi with our new sense of internal power.
The change finally comes in this stage when we hear ourselves acknowledging the internal power we possess. This change involves moving away from the self-abuse, or lack of power, with the declaration “I won’t continue to do this to myself anymore!” “I deserve more than this!”
The difference here is the strong “I” associated with a greater sense of self responsibility. As you acknowledge the greater responsibility in your process you complete this stage.
The choice we are making is to take greater responsibility. This consciousness is met with the awareness that we must now go back to our alienated aspects, and re-experience the energy behind our original suffering. We actually have to go back and make contact with whatever is lurking behind what we have decided we would not take anymore.
Craig Reynolds
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